Why Are Jewellers Pushing Lab-Grown Diamonds?

Although diamonds have always been highly sought after, technological advances in recent years have made it possible to produce diamonds artificially in a lab. Thus, numerous jewellery stores now provide synthetic diamonds as an option for mined stones.

This development has caused significant debate among experts, who are divided over whether or not lab-grown diamonds can be considered an adequate substitute for their natural counterparts. In this article, we’ll discuss why jewellers are promoting lab-grown diamonds and weigh the benefits and drawbacks of this new trend.

Why Are Jewellers Pushing Lab-Grown Diamonds?

Synthetic diamonds, or lab-grown diamonds, are generated in a controlled environment to resemble a real diamond. A little diamond seed is placed into a growth chamber and subjected to high pressure and high temperature, where it expands and becomes a larger diamond.

Diamonds created in a laboratory are identical to their natural counterparts in terms of their chemical and physical qualities. They share the same crystal structure as genuine diamonds and are made entirely of carbon.

The environmental effect and human rights concerns of diamond mining are avoided in the production of lab-grown diamonds, which has led to their promotion as a more ethical and sustainable alternative to natural diamonds. They are also considerably less expensive than genuine diamonds, often costing 30% less for diamonds of equivalent size and grade.

There are several reasons why jewellers are increasingly promoting lab-grown diamonds to their customers:


Lab-grown diamonds are generally less expensive than natural diamonds. This is because the production process is more controlled and efficient, and there are no mining or transportation costs associated with them. One of the main reasons why jewellers are promoting lab-grown diamonds is their lower cost compared to natural diamonds.

Lab-grown diamonds can cost up to 30% less than natural diamonds of comparable size and quality. This is because the production process is more controlled and efficient, and there are no mining or transportation costs associated with them.

In addition, the price of natural diamonds can be influenced by factors such as the rarity of the diamond, the cost of mining, and the labour involved in cutting and polishing the diamond. These factors do not apply to lab-grown diamonds, which are produced in a controlled environment and can be cut and polished using automated machinery.

Lower prices for lab-grown diamonds can make them a more affordable option for consumers who might not be able to afford a natural diamond of the same size and quality. However, it is worth noting that the price of lab-grown diamonds is not necessarily fixed and can still vary depending on factors such as the size, colour, and quality of the diamond.

Ethical Concerns

There are ethical concerns associated with the mining of natural diamonds, including the exploitation of workers and environmental damage. Lab-grown diamonds are often promoted as a more ethical alternative. Ethical concerns about sourcing natural diamonds are another factor in the jewellery industry’s embrace of lab-grown diamonds.

Human rights violations, such as the use of forced labour and exploitation of employees in diamond mines, are commonly linked to the production of natural diamonds. Environmental problems like deforestation, water pollution, and soil erosion are also possible outcomes of diamond mining.

As an alternative, lab-grown diamonds are promoted as a more sustainable and ethical option. There is no danger of human rights abuses connected to mining because they are created in a lab under strict conditions. Since lab-grown diamonds don’t need the same resource-intensive mining processes as wild diamonds, they have less of an effect on the environment.

Yet it’s important to remember that not every company that makes lab-grown diamonds is the same. If you care deeply about ethics, you should do your homework and select a reliable supplier, as some manufacturers engage in questionable labour or environmental policies.


Lab-grown diamonds are seen as a more sustainable option as they require fewer resources and have a lower carbon footprint than natural diamonds. Jewellers are promoting lab-grown diamonds because they are more sustainable.

Significant environmental implications are linked to the extraction of natural diamonds. These impacts include ecological damage, water pollution, and carbon emissions from mining and transportation.

Lab-grown diamonds, on the other hand, have a much smaller impact on the environment and can be produced with much less energy. Because they are not mined or transported, lab-grown diamonds are produced in a more efficient and environmentally friendly manner. In addition, clean energy like solar or wind can be used in the manufacturing process of lab-grown diamonds.

More than that, lab-grown diamonds are advertised as a more sustainable option for the eco-conscious consumer. Those who care about the world around them may be more likely to pick lab-grown diamonds than natural ones.

One should be aware that there are environmental costs associated with manufacturing lab-grown diamonds. To produce something, chemicals and energy must be used, and if precautions aren’t taken, waste disposal might become an issue.

Purchasing lab-grown diamonds requires careful consideration of the environmental impact of the industry and the selection of suppliers who place a premium on sustainable practices.


Advances in technology mean that lab-grown diamonds can now be produced with the same chemical and physical properties as natural diamonds, making them an attractive option for those looking for high-quality gems.

Because of technological advances, lab-grown diamonds can now be made with the same chemical and physical qualities as natural diamonds, offering them a competitive alternative for consumers interested in purchasing high-quality stones.

Diamonds manufactured in laboratories are optically and chemically indistinguishable from their natural counterparts because their creation employs state-of-the-art methods that imitate diamond production in nature. To give customers confidence in their purchase, they undergo the same grading and certification processes as genuine diamonds.

In addition, consumers looking for larger or higher-quality diamonds may find lab-grown diamonds to be a more appealing alternative because they can be created in larger sizes and with fewer inclusions (internal faults) than natural diamonds.

Despite these advantages, there are also some concerns associated with lab-grown diamonds. Some consumers may still prefer natural diamonds due to their rarity and symbolic value. There are also concerns about the long-term durability of lab-grown diamonds, as they have not been in use for as long as natural diamonds and therefore their long-term performance is not yet fully understood.

Ultimately, the decision to choose a lab-grown or natural diamond will depend on personal preferences and priorities. However, as lab-grown diamonds become increasingly popular and technology continues to improve, they are likely to become a more prominent feature of the diamond market.


Jewellery stores are pushing laboratory-created diamonds for several reasons. Since lab-grown diamonds are produced at a cheaper cost than their natural diamond counterparts, they are more accessible to a wider audience. Demand for lab-grown diamonds is also being fueled by ethical concerns related to natural diamond mining, such as the exploitation of workers and environmental devastation. 

Lab-grown diamonds are touted as a greener alternative to their natural counterparts since they produce less waste and use fewer resources. Lab-grown diamonds are an increasingly popular alternative to mined diamonds since technological advancements have allowed them to be created with the same chemical and physical qualities as mined diamonds.

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